So after months of speculation it appears that NBC will be running a new live action Wonder Woman television series after all. I’m really excited for this show and I think it will be great for young girls (and boys) and women (and men) to see such a powerful female role on television instead of the stereotypical damsel in distress. However, I do have some qualms about the new show.

The fact that NBC is running it worries me deeply. I’m sorry, but NBC has been completely incompetent when it comes to debuting new shows and keeping them good. About a year ago a new show was premiered on NBC called Kings. Kings was a modern adaption to the Biblical story of King David and his rise to power. I watched the show and personally loved it. However, I noticed, as did many other fans, that the show was not advertised as widely as another cop show that NBC was premiering a month later, which also subsequently failed. Shouldn't NBC have invested more in a unique show with a creative storyline like Kings, and taken advantage of the religious audience that it could have had (which has never been successfully tapped into by NBC before), instead of pulling for ANOTHER generic cop show? Other popular shows like Law and Order: SVU (another favorite of mine) have also taken a dive in the ratings.
Now in the last month or so NBC shook up its management and gotten a new person in charge of running the television programs. I certainly hope that the people in charge will plug this series and work to get it the ratings it should have. The last several attempts at a Wonder Woman TV series have all been massive failures and I think that a show like this is really needed on television given that all the prominent heroic roles are mostly male. And we know that female heroes can do well on television and in movies. Anyone who says that no one would want to see a female superhero is just wrong, because the Wonder Woman series of the 1970s was popular during it’s time. Furthermore, shows with primarily female protagonists such as Murder, She Wrote, Bones, and The Good Wife have proved to be very successful. So let’s hope that NBC has gotten it’s act together and won’t screw things up for the latest incarnation of Wonder Woman.
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