P!nk is fuckin' perfect! This new video of hers taught me a lesson that many think it cliche, but it's still true and valuable to learn. I've always loved P!nk and thought her to be a wonderful feminist and role model for the younger generations. After watching this video I realized just how cruelly I have been judged by other people, AND that I have done the exact same thing to other people I know. Being ugly or being a victim is a choice. And how you work what you've got is a lot more important than how much you've got to begin with.
Everyone says that you should only judge people for what’s on the inside instead of what’s on the outside. But I think that if you look closely enough you can see traces of the inside on the outside of any person. It’s like being at Wal-Mart (or any other store of your choosing) and examining an orange or a tomato. If the fruit is rotten on the inside you can sometimes tell by examining the outside. When you first see it, it looks just fine, but as you feel it and look it over you start to notice the soft spots, and the slight discoloring.
I think the same thing can be applied to people. I think that personality has a lot to do with whether you come off as attractive or whether or not people will want to be friends with you, or have sex with you, or be in a relationship with you. I do know of one or two persons, who shall go unnamed, who first come off as fabulous people, but if you really look hard you find that they are actually as fake as a three dollar bill. For the most part, I think whether or not you are hot is very much dependent on what kind of person you are and how you work what you’ve got.
This brings me to my next point. I am a horrible judge of character. I have hung out with so many guys that from first glance I thought were beautiful or ugly, and they turned out to be the complete opposite of what I thought. There have been men that I thought were so beautiful or amazing from the first time I saw them, but as I actually spent time with them I found that they were complete jerks, fakes, or just not who I thought they were or claimed to be. Then there are people who I have cruelly judged as being ugly on the outside, then after getting to know them, I find myself very much attracted to them based on the fact that they have amazing personalities and they end up being some of the nicest people I know.
There was one person in particular that I was especially mean to. He and I hung out together one night and afterward I treated him like crap because he wasn’t the person I had wanted to spend time with. I even lashed out at him a few days later. I blamed him for me being miserable when we hung out. It turns out that this person turned out to be one of the most caring people I know. I also consider him to be one of the most beautiful people I've ever met. As it turns out, the person that I had been pining over him ended up being someone who doesn’t even care about me. But this person who I did hang out with and subsequently abused ended being the person who cares about me the most, and has shown that. And I am deeply sorry for how I hurt him.
This is why I feel like I am an awful person. I am a horrible judge of character because I’ve let myself be walked all over and abused by men who I thought were beautiful at first glance, and I’ve ended up hurting and abusing people who I judged to be ugly but turned out to be the most trustworthy and kindhearted people I could have encountered. And I am an awful person because I have judged myself in the exact same way.
I have spent a lot of my life feeling ugly and unworthy of other people's love and affection. There have been times that people have shown me affection and I have actually become angry and attacked them for it because I didn't feel like it was right for me to be loved or that I deserved it. More recently, even when I came to realize that I did deserve to be loved, I was still shallow enough to only accept it if it came from people I deemed to be hot or beautiful. I thought that being told I was hot or that I was something special only met something if it came from somebody who was popular and confident.
As I awoke to the fact that many of the so-called "hotties" are fakes. Their personalities ended up being so repulsive that all the superficial attraction melted away to reveal something that couldn't be uglier. And a lot of the people who I first judged to be ugly ended up having the confidence and sweet personality that made them a hundred times hotter than I first thought they were.
As I learned this lesson it also taught me a lesson about myself. In the end, I was the decided factor as to whether or not I was considered beautiful, whether it be inside or out, by other people. I quickly realized that I am in fact beautiful if I flaunt what I've got. How I act and how I treat other people has a lot more to do with whether guys are attracted to me than whether my teeth are straight or whether or not I wear glasses.
This was inspired to learn this lesson about myself and other by watching P!nk's new music video for Fuckin' Perfect. It is a truly amazing song and I can not tell you how much I was affected by it. Not only did it help me realize that I'm fuckin' perfect, but that all the people I may have ignored or mistreated are also fuckin' perfect. So I choose not to be ugly anymore and I choose not to be a victim anymore. And I will never victimize other people like that again. Well P!nk, as usual you've taught me and everyone else something massively important through your music.