For centuries, many Americans have sadly tried to find some group of people in this country to deem scapegoats for America's problems, and people that they unjustly hold in suspicion and contempt. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries it was the Irish and the Italian immigrants. In World War I it was German Americans, and in World War II it was the Japanese. Now Muslims have become the new targets in the eyes of bigots everywhere. You have to be a most hateful, insecure, and ignorant person to generalize an entire group of people based upon the actions of a few. But that is exactly what many in the current Republican presidential field have done.
Herman Cain is, in my view, one of the biggest hypocrites of all time. He grew in the segregated south, and has recounted stories about discrimination he faced in school, and in the workforce, and how he and his brother once even had to take turns standing watch while using a "Whites Only" drinking fountain. To have to grow up in this type of situation is certainly tragic and my heart went out to Mr. Cain while hearing about this. However, during the last Republican debate broadcast by CNN Cain showed everyone his amazing lack of empathy and perspective when it comes to discrimination. Whilst he was discriminated against himself during his youth, that doesn't seem to stop him from advocating discrimination against others. He openly stated that he would require American Muslims to prove their loyalty to the United States, while not making the same requirement of Christians and Jews. But all of this pales in comparison to what Newt Gingrich said when he actually compared American Muslims to Communists and Nazis.
Both Gingrich and Cain are ignorant bigots. Plain and simple. There is no justification for what they said and it is horrific that their comments haven't automatically shattered their chances for winning the White House (even though Gingrich stands no chance regardless).
For one thing, their arguments rest upon the idea that every Muslim that could possibly come up for appointment is going to be a fundamentalist. This should come as no surprise, as Cain and Gingrich generalize even the people in their own religion. Their attitude is that anyone who is to be considered Christian is automatically a fundamentalist as they are, which is not true. The same goes for Muslims, I have met many conservative Muslims, but I have also met many liberal Muslims. No two Muslims are alike and while some might be radicalized, there are many others who are not. Some may hate America, but there are many others who are loyal patriots.

Furthermore, Cain and Gingrich, are also hypocrites because both of them have advocated basing United States law upon their conservative interpretation of the Bible. They oppose gay marriage, abortion, and tolerance for other religions based upon Christian principles, not constitutional ones, and desire to instill some level of Mosaic law in the United State. Yet they preach Judeo-Christian theocracy, all while having the audacity to criticize Muslims for wanting to instill their own theocracy in the United States, which in terms of social issues would be virtually the same as a Christian theocracy which Gingrich and Cain have advocated.
As we can see from the video, there was one candidate who actually seems to have come around on the issue of Muslim Americans. This is probably because, sadly, he has more recent experience in regard to religious discrimination. This was Mitt Romney, one of two Mormons, the other being former Utah governor Jon Huntsman, currently running for president.
I certainly applaud Mr. Romney for his more thoughtful answer, however, I'm a little disappointed and that he, along with all the other Republican candidates didn't say a word to condemn what Cain and Gingrich had said. What's even more disturbing, is that when the debate was going on, Cain and Gingrich were cheered by the Republican audience for their response while Romney didn't get any applause whatsoever for his answer. Even when he assured everyone that Sharia Law could never be applied in America because the constitution would never allow it, there was absolute silence in the room. Not a single clap.
And while we're on the topic of the constitution, here is a little snippet from our founding document that might be worth remembering if Mr. Cain and Mr. Gingrich are elected president and try to immorally and illegally discriminate on the basis of religion when hiring their staff: